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> UK > Health > Conditions and Diseases

This category contains 54 sites:

  • Acne Support Group - UK-based charity providing information and support about acne and rosacea. Limited information available online.
  • Age Concern England - Promotes the well being of older people. Site contains factsheets on subjects from health to housing, statistics and reading lists.
  • Alzheimer's Disease Society - UK charity providing support for carers and sufferers of all kinds of dementia. Funds medical research and campaigns for improved services and greater public understanding. Useful selection of fact sheets.
  • Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (UK) - Information on the different types of this disease, including Von Gierke, Pompe, Cori, Anderson, McArdle and Hers disease. Mailing list.
  • Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus - Good range of information about spina bifida, hydrocephalus and related conditions.
  • BBC News - Medical Notes - A-Z archive from the BBC News Online medical notes library, with information about many medical conditions, diseases and issues.
  • Bob Findlay's site - Personal account of the experience of heart disease and undergoing a bypass graft.
  • British Acoustic Neuroma Association - Patient organised charity. Brief factual information about diagnosis and treatment.
  • British Association of Dermatologists - Skin facts and information on common skin complaints.
  • British Epilepsy Association - Supports and campaigns on behalf of epileptics. Information on epilepsy and guidance on driving and the law. Telephone help line. Children's section. Password restricted area for medical professionals.
  • British Liver Trust - UK charity with a network of support groups and a confidential telephone service. Excellent range of factual information on all types of liver disease available online.
  • British Lung Foundation - A UK charity which raises funds for medical research into lung disease. Leaflets can be ordered and a support group is available. Website contains no online information.
  • British Lyme Disease Foundation - Mark Greenfield is a sufferer of Lyme disease and has a useful single page site with information and links.
  • British Society For Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes - Information leaflets about various endocrine (gland) disorders in children: adrenal hypoplasia, hypothyroidism, Marfan's, diabetes insipidus, Turners, Klinefelters, obesity, precocious puberty and others.
  • Candid - Counselling and Diagnosis In Dementia is a support group run by the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London. Fact sheets, e-mail list and chat room.
  • Cardiomyopathy Association - UK based charity offering support and providing information about the various types of cardiomyopathy.
  • Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis Web Site - Brief information about chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis.
  • Clarityn Allergy - Tablet, syrup and eye drop antihistamine for allergies including hayfever, perennial allergic rhinitis, and Urticaria (hives).
  • CMT International UK - Support group for people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Also known as Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy and Peroneal Muscular Atrophy. Information available online.
  • Cure For Anorexia - Professional unique cure for anorexia.
  • Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis Support Group - Information about the group and a fact sheet.
  • Duchenne Family Support Group - For families affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Minimal information online but telephone helpline numbers supplied.
  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Support Group - This site offers extensive information for patients and doctors, plus links.
  • European Parkinson's Disease Association - Information and support. UK branch has an area within this Web site. Leaflets about symptoms and drug therapy.
  • Facio Scapulo Humeral Support Group - Good FAQ and information for sufferers and families. Also called Landouzy-Dejerine or facioscapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy
  • Family Heart Association - Charity providing some information for patients about coronary heart disease. Emphasis on cholesterol and lipids.
  • Glaxo Neurological Centre - The centre provides advice, information and support to people with a neurological condition and to their families and care professionals.
  • Group B Strep Support - A UK charity set up to help families whose babies have been affected and to raise awareness of the problem. Brief, clear information is provided.
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome Support Group - UK charity offering information and support for GBS and its variants and related conditions. Good informative Web site which includes a message board.
  • Head Lice and Nits - A patient information leaflet giving advice on the detection and treatment of head lice using the 'conditioner and comb' method.
  • Headway - The Brain Injury Association - Charity providing information, support and services to people who have suffered a head injury, their family and carers. Detailed information available online.
  • HealthNET - Information on heart problems with a strong emphasis on prevention. Advice on diet and healthy living. Produced by the Coronary Prevention Group.
  • Herpes Viruses Association - Information and advice on herpes simplex from the charity formed by patients themselves. Helpline number, membership details. Also shingles information pack.
  • Info Lymphoma - Janet Nightingale's site with information and useful links for people with adult Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
  • Interstitial Cystitis Support Group - Support group and registered charity. Message board. Information and advice.
  • Jennifer Trust for Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Support group with online information booklets available.
  • Lymphoedema - Information about lymphoedema.
  • Meningitis Research Foundation - Information about meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia provided by the charity. The site includes information on symptoms, diagnosis, after effects, scientific research and on support for those who have experienced the disease. If you're worried about
  • Meningitis Research Foundation - Information about meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia provided by the charity, Meningitis Research Foundation.
  • Migraine Action Association - Charity for migraine research and patient support. Some information available. Unfortunately, you need to be a member to read the information leaflets.
  • Migraine Headache Advice - Information and advice on treatment and management of migraines including symptoms, triggers and relief.
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society - Support and advice to those living with and affected by multiple sclerosis. Extensive Web site with information available online.
  • Muscular Dystrophy Campaign - Information about muscular dystrophy. Detailed information about duchenne, becker and many other neuromuscular conditions. Large text version of site available.
  • National Asthma Campaign - Independent UK charity. Special interest in children with asthma. Telephone helpline. Leaflets can be ordered - however little online information is provided.
  • National Kidney Federation - A UK charity run by kidney patients providing information on kidney/renal disease and its treatment.
  • Pompe's Disease Page - Kevin O'Donnell's Web site. Father of an affected child provides information about this glycogen storage disease.
  • The Acne Treatment Site - Acne treatment and acne medicine information for a proper skin care.
  • The National Meningitis Trust - Information on meningitis and meningitis research. Registered UK charity.
  • The Neuropathy Trust - Providing information to those afflicted with peripheral neuropathy and their families.
  • The Pick's Disease Support Group Online - Support group set up by carers of people with Pick's disease and other focal and unusual dementia. Newsletters and links.
  • The Stroke Association - Provides information for patients and carers. Funds research. Leaflets can be ordered but are not available online. Brief information provided.
  • The Veins Web Site - Mr Mark Whiteley MS FRCS, a consultant vascular surgeon, describes normal and abnormal veins and a new operative technique for varicose veins called VNUS closure.
  • Tourette Syndrome Support in the UK - Personal Web site produced by a mother of a child with Tourette's syndrome. Information and links to other sites, including a discussion forum.
  • UK Resources for Down's Syndrome - A comprehensive set of addresses and links for Down's Syndrome on the web in the UK on the web. Includes links to government agencies, voluntary organisations and the full text of the 1996 Education Act.


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Information About Conditions
Conditional may refer to: Causal conditional, if X then Y, where X is a cause of Y Conditional mood, or conditional tense, a verb form in many languages Conditional probability, the probability of.

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> UK > Health > Conditions and Diseases : Category ID: 2138
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> UK > Health > Conditions and Diseases

This directory is powered by the Limey Search UK directory, which includes modified data from the Open Directory Project.