> UK > Northern Ireland > Government
This category contains 28 sites: - Department of Agriculture Northern Ireland - DANI is responsible for the development of the agricultural, forestry and fishing industries in Northern Ireland. This site provides a list of publications and information on some of NI's agricultural colleges.
- Department of Agriculture Science Service - Provides a full description and information on the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland's Science Service.
- Department of Economic Development - Describes the role of the DEDNI, the main Government Department in Northern Ireland concerned with economic development.
- Department of Education Northern Ireland - DENI website providing information on a number of topics of interest to parents, students and teachers.
- Department of Finance and Personnel - Includes information on the work of the department in controlling expenditure of Northern Ireland Departments.
- Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety - The DHSSPS is responsible for health and personal social services, public health, and public safety, including the Fire Authority, food safety and emergency planning. The site includes their recent publications, and information on the work of the departme
- Department of the Environment - Contains information on a number of NI environmental agencies.
- General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland - A broad range of reports on consumer issues, contact details, and information on the aims, campaigns and activities of this statutory body.
- General Register Office (Northern Ireland) - responsible for the registration of births, deaths, marriages, and adoptions in Northern Ireland and for issuing certificates, compiling statistics, and maintaining historical records. The site provides an on-line ordering service for birth, death, marria
- Industrial Development Board (IDB) - The IDB helps companies develop business profitably by providing expert advice, assistance and current information from a worldwide network. The site provides information on financial assistance, business excellence and investment.
- Labour Relations Agency - The independent body responsible for assisting employers, employees and their representatives to improve the conduct of their industrial relations and employment practices. The site includes briefings on a wide range of issues in employment law, including
- MOT2 - Second Generation Vehicle Testing - Information on the Driver Vehicle Testing Agency's new MOT service. Background, details of the roll out in the test centres, FAQs, how to get a test and publicity.
- Northern Ireland Advisory Committee on Telecommunications - advises the government and handles complaints on telecommunications in Northern Ireland. Information includes a list of committee members, reports of their meetings, and advice on complaints.
- Northern Ireland Housing Executive - Northern Ireland's comprehensive regional housing authority. Includes housing advice and energy advice.
- Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission - The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission is a statutory body Established in terms of the Northern Ireland Act, in compliance with the Good Friday Agreement.
- Northern Ireland Office - Information on law and order, the economy and society of Northern Ireland.
- Northern Ireland Planning Service - Responsible for all urban and rural planning applications. Features history, policies, application procedures, and legal guidelines.
- Northern Ireland Public Service WebSite - Provides information on and links to a wide range of Government information. Site provides a search facility across the various websites.
- Public Record Office of Northern Ireland - PRONI is the official place of deposit for public records in Northern Ireland. It collects, catalogues and preserves any documents that provide a legal or historical record of the past.
- Roads Service - Press releases, downloadable reports (mostly in "PDF" format), and contact information for the authority responsible for public roads, footways, bridges, street lights and car parks.
- Rural Development Council - Exists to address the needs of deprived rural areas. Provides information on the role of the service.
- Rural Development Programme for Northern Ireland - Programme aiming to provide a range of investment opportunities for rural people between now and 2006. Overview of plans, news, contacts, and how to apply.
- Small Business Agency for Northern Ireland - LEDU (Local Economic Development Unit) is the Government Agency in Northern Ireland responsible for the establishment and expansion of small businesses. The site contains information and advice on setting up small businesses and business expansion.
- The Forensic Science Agency of Northern Ireland - Site describing the role of the NI FSA including the particular challenges associated with terrorist crime.
- The Local Government Staff Commission for Northern Ireland - Provides advice and assistance on employment issues to the 26 district councils and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. The site details the work of the Commission.
- The Rate Collection Agency - Features general information on rates in the province. Online ways to control rate payment, contact details for county offices, and facilities to view official publications.
- Trading Standards Service - TSS on-line contains advice for consumers, a FAQ list, warnings about some of the latest hoaxes and swindles, and information on their work, including enforcement of consumer legislation, free business and consumer advice, and a calibration service.
- Youth Service - Belfast Education and Library Board - Information on the role of the service with emphasis on cross-community work, projects and outdoor activities.
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