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> UK > Business and Economy > Industries > Telecommunications > Mobile > Carriers

This category contains 5 sites:

  • BT Cellnet - covering 99% of the UK, and with the backing of BT.
  • One 2 One - Launched in 1993, a GSM 1800 network covering 98% of the GB population.
  • Orange - The UK's youngest and fastest growing mobile phone network.
  • Virgin Mobile - a repackaged version of One 2 One's service, offering a subscription-free service, and a simple call charge structure.
  • Vodafone - The network used by one in fifteen people in the UK, and owners of the US network AirTouch


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Printed carrier bags, printed natural cotton shopper bags, printed rucksacks, printed drawstring bags, printed conference bags and much more avaliable online.
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> UK > Business and Economy > Industries > Telecommunications > Mobile > Carriers : Category ID: 11397
This category on LimeySearch.co.uk:
> UK > Business and Economy > Industries > Telecommunications > Mobile > Carriers

This directory is powered by the Limey Search UK directory, which includes modified data from the Open Directory Project.